segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2011

Feast of St. John

The month of June arrived, and with it the so famous fairs. Thebonfire festivities suggest cheerful decorations, costumes, anddelicious food, and of course the traditional burning of St. John theJune festivities are a celebration of European origin. According tothe story are related to the pagan festival held in the summer time the sun was at the point furthest from the equator. The June Festivalwas held on June 24 according to the Julian calendar (pre-Gregorian) and was incorporated into the Christian calendar from the Middle Ages, as the Feast of St. John
A festival held on a particular importance in Northern Europe, but is also found in countries like Ireland, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal,Spain, Canada, United States, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Australia and some parts of Britain . The feast of St. John is typical of the BrazilianNortheast region, which is an arid region every year thanks to St. John and St. Peter by the rains which have fallen into crops.
Festa Junina - Onde Ficam as Mais Tradicionais Festas Juninas do País

global warming

Increased sea levels: with increasing temperature in the world, there is an ongoing melting of polar ice caps. By increasing the water level of the oceans, may occur in the future, the submersion of many coastal cities;
    Growth and development of deserts: the increase of temperature causes the death of several animal and plant species, upsetting many ecosystems. In addition to the deforestation that has occurred, mainly in forests of tropical countries (Brazil, African countries), the trend is increasing more and more desert regions of the planet Earth;
     Increase of hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones: the increased temperature causes more evaporation occurs from the ocean waters, enhancing these types of severe weather;
    Heat waves: regions of warm temperatures has suffered from hot flashes. In summer, for example, there has been an intense heat wave, causing even deaths of the elderly and children.